Espresso House in Limhamn has now arrived. Limhamn is on the outskirts of Malmo. It is almost a town in itself. It has all the necessary shops and stores you really need. With a chain coffee shop in place it feels as if Limhamn is getting trendier. It was a bit sleepy and tired before, but now it getting a bit of a facelift.
It even has a Burger King on the high street. Limhamn is only about 10 minutes away by buss from central Malmo. I guess for me it has always been a place I have just had to go to go get the basic shopping, but now with a place to have a coffee close by and a nice seating area outside, I can see myself going there a few times to have a coffee with friends in the summertime.
Emma Sköldekrans
Owner and editor of